Earth Day - Connections between the health of our planet and the health of its inhabitants
April is Cancer Awareness Month in Canada. Get screened with CanScreenBC.
Marching Towards Colon Health: A Guide to Screening Options for Colon Cancer A Beacon of Health in British Columbia
Please share your experiences by completing the South Island/Victoria Cancer Screening Needs Assessment.
CBC Radio's Dr. Brian Goldman talks' to Dr. Stuart Bax on Cancer Screening and CanScreenBC.
Is This You...? How Can We Enhance Cancer Screening Service's
October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Revolutionizing Cervical Health: HPV Testing to Replace Pap Smears in BC
Cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine - Prevention is better than cure.
Cancer Screening - What makes a good cancer screening test?
The importance of cancer screening - Dr. Stuart Bax talks to CTV news.
The Importance of Bowel Cancer Screening: Protecting Lives through Early Detection
CTV Morning Live - Keri Adams talks to Dr. Bax - CanScreenBC & Cancer Screening
Breast Cancer Screening - What makes me high risk and how often should I get screened?
CanScreenBC Flyer
What is a FIT Test? How do I use it?
CanScreenBC on CTV news
Lung Cancer - Why You Should Get Screened?
Colon Cancer Screening